Thursday 8 December 2011

there is a boy whom I like since I was in form three.

I like him so much, I always find a way to have a fight with him.

then, we became couple. (coupling at such a young age is not good, you know.)

after three years, we broke up. 

but I still can't forget him so, with all the guts I owned, I disturbed him just like I always do. 

yes, I know, it was a shameless thing to do. I called myself at that time "wall face" (muka tembok.)

I still like him, until now and I'll continue to like him, as I always do.

the most important thing, I don't need a reason to like him.

I just like him. :) 


  1. auuuu is so lucky to have someone special like u! ur love for him seems endlessly. may both of u happy always. hee. lebiu palah~ muahs. <3

  2. ahaha..malu~

    trimas mila..may Allah grants you the best for you too..:)

  3. wow.. confession.? hehe..farah sngat bahagia kot skarang..i'm happy for you :)

  4. hannan,

    just have the courage to confess it.. :D
