Wednesday, 19 September 2012

three of a kind

I found this quote somewhere in the Internet.

there are three kinds of people.

the first one is...(baca baca baca)
the second one is...(baca baca baca)
the third one is...(repeat bacaan)
the third one is...(konpemkan apa yang dibaca)
the third one is..(adeh terasa!)

"eh, apa yang jadi tadi?" tanya orang ketiga.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

one after another

it started last month, and now it seems like I can't have a fullstop to this.

dear mr / mrs L******R, 

your assignments torture me a lot.

my brain blistered. 

my body ached. 

I lost my best friend, Sleep.

thank you  for this unforgettable memory.


Sleep's best friend

ade scanner otak best ni. xpayah susah2 taip, tulis.

Friday, 14 September 2012

between two hearts

between two hearts,

which one shall I console first?


or yours?